Tuesday, September 18, 2012

St Tropez - MY Las Vegas Olympia tan in a bottle test drive

Thursday September 27th Myself and my INCREDIBLE Team of athletes and fitness models  who make up MAGNUM NUTRACEUCTICALS  (found on FB here)

Will be landing in LAS VEGAS for the highly awaited OLYMPIA 2012 EXPO and COMPETITION.

People train their entire lives for this event, and although I am not competing, I am coming in with the team representing the BEST OF THE BEST in supplements and driven athletes and we are here to look and play the part.

I have been training by butt off, and saying no to food that I REALLY want to say yes to sometimes... Including that glass of Riesling on those summer nights...... And I am stoked and ready to represent MYSELF and MY TEAM.

In order to feel complete, and let's be honest here you guys.... Men and Women alike, feel better with a nice golden glow.

ST TROPEZ is BRAND new to the CHATTERS MAYFAIR  http://www.facebook.com/ChattersMayfairMall MALL salon and so I picked my bottle up to try.

This is the ONLY tanner I will be using while in Vegas doing photo shoots, Expo work and well... all things VEGAS..... Its CRUCIAL that I look and feel at my best....

I will be home October 1, and will be bringing with me my personal feedback on this beauty!!

I've been home from Vegas now for a few weeks, and must apologize for my delayed update on St Tropez self tanning experience.

So I put TWO layers on, one on Monday night and one on Tuesday night as I was leaving Wednesday. I would have liked to have done a third coat, but felt very natural and bronze with the TWO.
It's funny, once I arrived in Vegas and we all began unloading our suitcases, it was quite clear that ST TROPEZ is the top choice for the  female Magnum Fitness Models, as EVERY GIRL had brought their own bottle.
This was GREAT because I left mine in the car, in BC.

My color was VERY even, and natural looking, which was exactly what I was going for, and so my overall opinion of the product is positive!!

I will continue to use St Tropez for any photo shoots or promotional events to ensure a clean even pretty glow:)

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