Saturday, January 7, 2012

ThE DoOzY - 12 minutes

Hey Guys, 
Here is the 12 minute HIIT workout I promised you......... The exercises are a mix of old and new.
This is a description, with a mini how to video..... THE ACTUAL WORKOUT.... darlings...IS HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ThE DoOzY

Dip Station ( IF YOU HAVE ONE) If you do not have one, either use a squat rack in the gym, the chair & broom handle trick or even change the exercise altogether, which will be discussed in the video...
Resistance band ( or 2 light weights ) *The bands can be found almost anywhere...Walmart, sport stores, London Drugs etc...
Anything elevated ( I used a bench)

Here is your BREAKDOWN:

Set your timer for 12 rounds of 50/10.

There are 6 exercises, to be run through ONCE as a full circuit, and then repeated.

1. Glute squeeze Burpee w/ speed skater side kicks
2. Decline plank walk up
3. Reverse Push ups
4. Oblique leg raises
5. Gliding Warrior lunge
6. V sit resistance band Reverse Fly

Exercise #1:  If you are unable to perform a tricep push up from your toes, DROP TO YOUR KNEES, ABS TIGHT, squuuueeeeze your glutes on each lift.

Exercise #2: ABS TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT!! If you are unable to perform this on a decline, please bring your feet to the floor. This can also be performed from your knees.

Exercise #3: Lift that chest, squeeze shoulder blades together at the back. IF NO DIP STATION, and at home, use a band, or weights and stand in a bent over row position, tight abs, flat back and row up.

Exercise #4: If you have no DIP STATION, lie on the floor, arms extended out like a T, legs up and drop side to side, like a clock!

Exercise #5: All of your weight MUST sit in your heel on the bent leg, sit your butt WAY back and make sure the straight leg remains STRAIGHT.

Exercise #6: Sit up tall, lifting your chest up, if you are unable to keep your feet up, simply place them down, Like the reverse push up, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades behind you.

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