Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Staying on NUTRITIONAL track when out on the town :)

There are many phrases, promises, assumptions, myths and many other quotes and comments in which I hear ALLLLL THE TIME!!!!!
 My favorite...or one of my favorites is the classic.... and OH SO COMMON

"I think I eat pretty healthy"

Yes, EVERYONE thinks they eat 'pretty' healthy.... I can promise you this.... You probably aren't eating HALF as healthy as you tell yourself you are.

This isn't all your fault you see, advertising and marketing make you THINK you are making healthy choices, when in most cases, you are simply eating shit!

Processed, chemicalized, additives and so many hidden fats and sugars etc.....
If it says " LOW FAT" it most likely has a tonne of sugar.
If it say "SUGAR FREE" it likely has a lot of fat.

When it comes to eating out on the town, your choices aren't as clear, as listing caloric intake and ingredients on  a restaurant menu is not something we see often... or ever!

What is the healthiest thing on a menu???
We typically look for the salad section right???
How bad can greens and vegetables be???

Well, PRETTY BAD really.....

Common salads with hidden BADNESS are the:

TACO SALAD ( think taco shell, cheese, sour cream, avocado  *yes it is healthy but added to an already HIGH fat count*, creamy dressing and more taco strips)
CAESAR SALAD ( unless it is made from SCRATCH...... your looking at around 20g fat per small salad!!!
THAI NOODLE SALAD ( first ingredient... NOODLE.... white carbs, refined, white sugar.. STAY AWAY)

Some other "healthy choices" I hear about~

When you see the YAM or SWEET POTATO FRIES, you think your making a healthy choice???? SERIOUSLY ???!!!

FRENCH FRY, whether its yam, potato, cauliflower, banana ..I don't care what it is, if you order it in a restaurant, IT HAS BEEN DEEP FRIED IN CRAP OIL!!!!!

I hear some people brag about their healthy option as being a wrap instead of a sandwich or burger.......

Well here's the thing with restaurant food, Everything is larger than it needs to be. A wrap is no different. Have you ever noticed how BIG that wrap is when your eating it???
This is because the 'thin' healthy wrap they use... is actually 2. If its not 2, then its a restaurant sized and its basically 2.
Wrap alone, before any fillers you are looking at 300 calories alone, minimum.
And not only is the wrap itself high in calories and carbohydrates, the filler is usually white rice with either meat or vegetables, or perhaps both.
CARB heaven!!!
Unless you are a high level athlete preparing for competition, stay away from store made wraps.

There are a few popular restaurants in town with some pretty alright options.... and some in which you may have THOUGHT were good choices......

Cactus Club:

A popular salad choice is the RAIN COAST GREENS.

This salad alone, has a whopping 600 calories ( this is close to 2 meals for a woman) 20g FAT (most women's entire days worth of fat) 20g carb and 18g protein.
* If you could split this with a friend, there would be no problem with the numbers, but to enjoy on your own it IS a bit high.
MY recommendation with this salad would be to chose the fat you like the most, and not have all three (feta, avocado and pecans) always ask for dressing on the side and just dip your salad in rather than pour on top.

A GREAT choice at Cactus is the BANDARA SALAD ( my personal fav)
This HUGE salad only has 380 calories, 8g fat. 41g carbs ( on the high side) and 32g pro ( opt for half breast chicken and bring that number down around 20g)
The best way to enjoy this one is to order it NO CRISPY noodles and dressing on the side!

The HALIBUT SOFT TACO's are also something we tend to think of as super clean, and in this case they sort of are...... HOWEVER, best to share, as a full serving is 490 calories ( this is equivalent to 1 meal and 1 snack for most women) and has a protein count of 25g (which is just about the most our bodies can digest at once anyway)

Another fabulous shared plate is the SZECHWUAN BEANS. Split in half you are looking at 176 calories, 12g fat, 16g carbs and 4.7g protein ( the fat is on the high end)

The last healthy option here is the WEST COAST POCKETS, with 200 calories for the whole order!!!

Everything else registers above 600 calories, and the main entrees are WELL over this number..... so eat with care and be aware of hidden fats!!!!!

 A fairly new addition to Victoria is BROWN'S SOCIAL HOUSE:
*I love this place because they actually DO list calories... however only on ONE item... which goes to show how un healthy even the common salad is if THIS item is the only one listed as under 500 calories right???!!!

The SPA BOWL ( with either halibut or tuna) the spa bowl is carb-less and comes with fish of choice, braised cabbage and a side cowgirl salad!! DELICIOUS :) and only 450 cals

I recently discovered that the TAHITIAN TUNA SALAD is also a good choice with 2C equalling 500 calories!!

Keep in mind again that if THIS is all they list as being ' healthy choices' everything else is ranking as much higher, be wise!!!

Not as popular, but just as tasty is NANDOS CHICKEN:
Of the whole menu, I have found the best options and then some not so great, even if we may have THOUGHT they were.....

Chicken Breast fillet burger ( just burger) - 356 cals,  5.3g Fat, 41g Carb, 43g Pro
1/2Chicken Peri Peri - 352 cals, 15.6gfat, 2g car, 42g pro
1/4 Chicken NO SKIN - 135 cals, 7g fat, 1.5g carb
Coleslaw (1 bowl) - 265 cals, 23g fat, 8g carb, 1g pro ** POOR
Classic Chicken Wrap ( no mayo) - 237 cals, 6g fat, 20g carb, 24g pro

Every city has an EARLS right!!!???

Well while sushi seems to be a smart choice, NOT HERE/.... The Dynamite Shrimp Roll - 8 pieces 444cals,20g fat, 50g carb,14g pro

Mixed Field greens with dressing on - 230 cals, 20g fat,13.4g carb ** LOOK AT THE FAT IN A SIMPLE SALAD*** ALWAYS opt for dressing on the side
Grilled Chicken and Baked Brie on Ciabatta - 689 cals, 31g fat, 41g carb, 46g pro **Share this and its not the end of the world - It really is DELICIOUS
Cajun Blackened Chicken - 1 peice 540 cals, 36g fat, 5g carb, 41g pro**FAT ARE YOU KIDDING??
Side Ceasar Salad - 20g FAT

A bit out of the way from downtown, but MOXIES is popular as well.....

Probably the best choice is the Citrus Chicken Salad - 300 cals, 6g fat, 5g pro
Not far off is the Clubhouse sandwich - 1/2 sandwich  191 cals, 8g fat, 19g car, 8g pro

On the complete opposite side, and lets talk honestly.. we've all had or at least TRIED the....
**White Chocolate Brownie

1480 cals,44g fat, 257g carb,21g pro * JUST READ THOSE NUMBERS AGAIN*

Tandori Salmon Salad- 800 cals,45g fat , 68g carb, 38g pro - This has potential to be healthy.. but pass on the baked Brie and no NAAN bread

Mayan Chicken Salad with dressing- 398 cals, 14g fat, 33g car, 35g pro ( Opt for no cheese and swap dressing for a non cream base)

SUSHI (General) - Hate to say it friends, but its not really the healthy way to go either.... A- white rice.......B- hidden fats and salt!!!

California (8 pieces) - 330 cals, 7g fat, 33g carb,9g pro
Salmon avocado roll-304 cals, 9g fat,42g carb, 14g pro
Spicy Tuna Roll- 290 cals,11g fat, 26g carb, 24g pro

*IF you can find brown rice sushi ( And in Victoria you CANm at GEISHA on Herald St.)
You are looking at:

California Roll (4 pieces) 140 cals,3.4g fat,27g carb, 4g protein
Spicy Tuna Roll ( 8 pieces) 180 cals, 3.7g fat, 21g carb, 16g protein

Some other options....

PHO (Vietnamese soup) - 
A bowl of chicken pho with rice noodles will run you aprox 390 cals, 4g fat, 41g carbs and 18g protein.
A steak pho will be similar but at a higher caloric intake of 500.
These soups are full of noodles and therefor high in carb count. I suggest cutting half the noodles out prior to eating to save yourself a bunch of calories.

Spring shrimp roll ( minus the peanut sauce and NOT deep fried) full roll is:
180 calories,5g fat, 24g carb, 15g protein


Minimize your eating out to 1......maybe 2 meals per week ( not only will your waistline love you but think of how full your wallet will be:)

DRESSING ON THE SIDE NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! also Ask for oil and vinegar or at the very least, NO CREAM BASED!!!

Ask for your chicken grilled PLAIN- this is where they are sneaking in extra fats  is with the seasoning and marinades for the meat -

If you are having a salad just read the ingredient list... if you see more than ONE fat ( cheese, avocados, seeds, nuts etc........ ) CHOSE ONE only!!!

Ask for extra Vegetables in place of rice, pilaf, potato, pasta etc.....

If ordering breakfast and you are getting toast- ask for it DRY!!! you can add your own toppings and avoid their massively butter soaked bread.

If half orders are offered.. ORDER IT!!! your eyes are always bigger than your belly!!!!!!!


~KY xo

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