Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quinoa- The Famous Superfood

Once considered 'alternative' or a 'niche food', Quinoa has recently sparked the interest of millions of North Americans looking for better health, weight loss and a diet higher in whole nutrients.

Although Quinoa is grown in South America primarily, you can find it in pretty much every local grocery store in both bulk and boxed.

The time it takes to cook this superfood is part of what makes it so great! 15 minutes and your food is prepared, no more time excuses.
You can pre cook your grain and store in the refrigerater for later use.

Quinoa can, and is commonly used in all three main meals of your day and even built into your mid day snacks.

Recipes for quinoa BREAKFAST, LUNCH and DINNER meals can be found on my Face Book page here : Healthy Meals/ Snacks and Treats for your happy tummy

Quinoa is thought to be one of, if not the healthiest food in the world and here is a nutritional breakdown of why:
Packed with a high supply of vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin, calcium, vitamin E, iron, potassium, phosphorus,folic acid and beta carotene.
In 1 cup of COOKED quinoa there are :  222calories
                                                                      3.5g fat ( NONE of which are saturated)
                                                                      40g carbohydrates
                                                                      5g fiber
                                                                      8g protein

Quinoa really is a universal food fitting perfectly into every preferred diet.Vegans and vegetarians can enjoy quinoa as it provides non animal protein and sufficiant amino acids and is easily digested.
Those on a weight loss journey will also have the pleasure of including this "good" carb as it is a slow digested carbohydrate, keeping your insulin levels in check. Not only will it suply you with natural energy with the carbohydrates, but it also supplies you with the protein essential for maintining lean muscle mass for that weight loss journey you are travelling through.

Quinoa is also ranked TOP TEN foods for muscle building. This is simply due to the amino acids, complex carbohydrates and protein found in the grain. The quality of protein in quinoa means that the will effectively use its own building blocks rather than eliminating them as waste, which is a common problem we find with some protein supplements on the market.

On a GLUTEN note, quinoa fits beautifully in the diet for those with wheat and gluten allergies.


Dry quinoa will TRIPLE in mass when cooked.......1 C dry will yield 3C cooked!!

Now I have been calling Quinoa a GRAIN... it is NOT a grain, although it is cultivated and used similarly, it is ACTUALLY the fruit of a broadleaf plant.
ODDLY enough, it is in the family with spinach and beets, and is classified as a "pseudocereal"

For a perfect 1C serving, begin with 1/3C dry and 2/3C water....enjoy

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