Monday, October 10, 2011

Wasted Workout

Why do YOU workout?

We all have our own personal reasons for staying fit.... or at least attempting to stay fit.

Have you ever taken a moment to write them out? Make your 'goal' list?

It is a proven statistic that those who write down their specific goals are 97% more likely to attain them than those who do not.

~If you don’t make time to write down your goals, where are you going to find the time to accomplish them?~

Well regardless of YOUR reasons for working out, it is important that we are all VERY aware of how easy it is to RUIN a good training session. 

Those of us who are pushing the limits with HARD WORKOUTS, HEAVY LIFTING, INTENSE CARDIO, sweat dripping, tears flowing type of workouts are burning hundreds of calories , this is true! 

The average person will burn approximately 300 calories walking a brisk 3 miles, and upwards of 700 in a 1 hour boot camp class. 

All of this hard work can be ruined in moments of poor nutrition choices.

1) 1 Cup Regular store bought Granola ( without milk) 500 calories
2) 1 Plain bagel with regular cream cheese 480 calories
3) Arby's Roast Turkey & Swiss Sandwhich 710 calories
4) 1 Subway Turkey wrap with veggies, swiss cheese mayo and mustard 590 calories
5) 1 Large coke (restaurant) 310 calories
6) 1 side Coleslaw (restaurant or store bought) 410 calories
7) 1 Skinny White Chocolate Mocha @ Starbucks 450 calories
8) 1 Scone @Starbucks 490 calories
9) 1 Plain Vanilla Mcaffe Shake @ Mcdonalds 890 calories
10) 1 Fiesta Taco Salad @ Taco Time 790 calories
11) 1 Ripped Berry Booster Juice 450 calories

It is absolutely crucial to re fuel your body POST workout, just as it is PRIOR to.... the question is then WHAT to re fuel with......

The FIRST thing you want is PROTEIN:
The quickest easiest form will be from a whey powder ( I personally use QUATTRO by HARD MAGNUM )

You can also get proteins from other sources such as chicken, tuna, bison, egg whites, cottage cheese, 0% fat Greek Yogurt......
The next important factor is complex CARBOHYDRATES:
A quick and healthy option is whole grain oats, brown rice, bananas, spelt etc

Fat is something that ideally you will NOT consume post workout, as it is not quickly absorbed and is no longer needed for any energy. Fats are best taken PRE workout.

Make educated healthy choices and watch your body reap the benefits:)

~Ky xo

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