Friday, September 16, 2011

CELLULITE ....broken down

CELLULITE..... we cringe at this word.....we spend and spend on lotions and potions and treatments of all kinds in HOPES that it just goes away.....

During the last few weeks I think 75% of my female clientele asked me about cellulite. "What is it and how do I get rid of it" was the bottom line of the conversations. 
And so here is the result... I have read multiple articles and research studies on the GEM of a problem that a whopping 80-90% of women share.

There are numerous theories as to HOW and WHY cellulite occurs, but the general consensus is that it begins in our adolescence when the hormone ESTROGEN appears in our system and triggers the layering  of fat in the body.
This occurs as the cells in the sub-dermis become enlarged, and is prominent on the hips and thighs. Gradually, the tissues begin to accumulate lymph fluid as it passes through them. The fat cells then tend to compress and begin hardening into lumps. The characteristic orange-peel appearance of cellulite is the result.

Now this isn't the ONLY cause, or thought cause of cellulite remember. Lifestyle plays a role as well. Aging, lack of exercise, poor circulation, a lack of fluid and poor diet, including alcohol, food additives, preservatives, excess sugar and fats are linked in to the appearance of cellulite in the body.
* SIDE NOTE* ~ Even thin women, and even athletically fit women suffer from cellulite at times, and this is due to GENETICS!!!! totally out of your control:( *

On the topic of estrogen, other hormones thought to be attributed to the build up of cellulite include insulin,noradrenaline, thyroid hormones and prolactin.
Another cellulite theory is the that the makeup of the strands of fibrous tissue in women and men are thought to be different. The structure of the fibrous tissue in the skin of a man forms a net that is perpendicular in shape. 
The net of fibrous tissue in a woman is formed in the shape of X's. It is also believed that a woman's fibrous tissue is more tightly woven, resulting in increased dimpling effects in women as compared to men.
Cellulite will worsen if your cells are weak and inflexible. 
Fatty tissue and collagen are bonded together much like a MAGNETIC PULL on a molecular level. The fatty tissue is "pulled" towards the collagen and the collagen is "pulled" towards the fatty tissue, causing a VERY strong bond between the two.
When this happens, and the cells are strong and flexible, together the bond will form a smooth layer of fatty tissue which lays JUST underneath the skin.
When this bond is weak, the opposite occurs, being a lumpy bumpy appearance.....cellulite.*
( To keep a strong bond you want to keep a regular strength training routine of 3-5 days a week as well as make certain you are taking your omega 3, fish oil and Flax oils daily) ** MY personal recommendations will be listed at the bottom of the blog~

You'r EFA's, or Essential Fatty Acids are KEY to reducing the appearance of weak fatty cells. WHY?? Because they are the PRIMARY building blocks for fat cells. In addition to being the primary building blocks, EFA's are also what gives the cells the flexibility.

OK OK so how do I get rid of it????

In all honesty there is no magic trick, however there are some options in minimizing and as always a change in nutrition and exercise levels will help dramatically.
Circulation is key in the therapeutic procedures including pneumatic massage, massage that focuses on the lymphatic flow, heat therapy,magnetic therapy,ultrasound, radio frequency therapy, radial waves therapy,Endermologie and electrical stimulation are popular options, and have been providing positive results if performed by a professional.
There are also multiple topical and oral treatments I could list but none have been proven to give any significant results and so I chose to leave it.
*SIDE NOTE*~ Liposuction will NOT remove cellulite!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the info! I hate cellulite!

    I just wanted to add in regards to improving circulation something you can do on your own, at home. I do "dry brushing" every morning before I shower. It's an ayurvedic treatment and people swear it helps reduce cellulite, among other things. It looks like a bristley loofa, and all you do it brush your skin dry, towards the direction of your heart- starting from your feet all the way up. I don't know if it'll actually reduced the appearance of my cellulite, but it definitely improves circulation!

  2. Yaaaa awesome advice , thank you for sharing xo

  3. Oops I forgot to post what I use for my EFA's....
    Currently I use a brand by the bane of BARLEAN'S fish oil and flax oil-
    This product is deigned in a desert flavored syrup like texture that I jut ant get enough of:)
